UPS, rectifiers and their batteries require strict preventive controls in order to guarantee the liability and efficiency of the equipment, avoiding the arrest of the loads and following heavy damages.
Our statistics prove that equipment malfunctions decrease drastically if preventive maintenance and timely replacement of specific components, like batteries, capacitors and fans, are carried out.
Read more in “Causes of UPS and Rectifiers faults”
Additional controls with infrared cameras enable the predictive detection of material degradation and locate accurately thermal shocks or loose of connections, all conditions that can produce fire breakouts. Today it is necessary to point out that poor maintenances, done quickly, are the easiest way to face problems.
The Elettro technical team, based in Milan, Italy, provides professional preventive and corrective maintenance services, above all inside industrial environemnet. Our work can be referenced by companies present in several countries of the world.
And that’s not all: we can also train your own maintenance team.
An adequate, complete and severe preventive maintenance is the only way to avoid considerable economic losses and to prevent you from wasting time trying to solve problems that will continue to reappear if the cause is not eradicated.